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Monitoring Remediations

Without monitoring a remediation process, there will be no successful remediation!

On one hand, a well-founded proof of success is very important at the end of a remediation process, in order to receive the final approval for the remedial action and to finalise the project together with the authorities. On the other hand, monitoring measures are needed to optimise the process.

The monitoring services can easily be combined with our services regarding the local or chemical construction supervision and are needed in every kind of remediation process. To supervise the construction work either locally or chemically, we are able to offer you a well experienced team of junior and senior experts. If required, we work together with our partner companies, in order to find the best solution for you!

In order to consistently be able to supervise material transports, we have developed our own software tool which helps us to monitor material streams just-in-time and make sure everything is going right.

Especially for in-situ remediation methods, proper monitoring is essential to get the results one requires.

Luckily, we have our own field crew responsible for Sampling and analytical services, due to the fact that we can therefore react very flexibly to your specific requests of complex remediation processes.

Call us now and get your questions answered today: +43-732-997004-0

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Standort Linz
Kapuzinerstraße 84a, 4020 Linz
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Standort Wien
Rothkirchgasse 4/7, 1120 Wien
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