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Finding the best option with the help of the mKWA-tool by the Federal Environmental Agency

Management of Subsidies for Remediation Projects

If a pollution has happened to a site, it is necessary to get rid of it as quickly and as effective and besides also as cost-efficiently as possible. Important hereby is the securing of the appropriate and necessary funding. Luckily, Austria provides several tools for sourcing the remediation for cases of damage.

The initial step in every remediation planning process is a suitable feasibility study of various options. Hence, the best option for the restoration of a damage is figured out. At the same time, the study is an important requirement for applying for the funding.

Due to our know-how on remediation technologies and the whole funding process, but also due to our good contacts to Austrian authorities and funding institutions, we can assure a perfect start for your remediation project in Austria and abroad.

In case of a contaminated site that most likely will not be defined as a brownfield by the authorities, in future you will still be able to receive funding, in order to enhance the environmental standard and minimise or even remove contaminations.

Thus, we would gladly provide advice when it comes to remediation technologies. Simply give us a call +43-699-15559912!

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