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Investigation of Polluted Building Stocks

Investigation of Polluted Building Stocks

Contaminants that are contained in buildings and building materials can become problems in several ways. On one hand, if the building is inhabited and it is, for instance, moulding, and on the other hand, if the building is demolished and the materials have to be disposed.

Due to the Austrian Building Wastes Recycling Ordinance, which came into effect on the 1.1.2016, an orienting investigation of polluted building stocks is needed, if more than 750to of material is broken off.

A deeper investigation of contaminants is necessary at more than 3500 m3 gross volume demolished materials. This specific investigation can only be conducted by authorised experts, like blp GeoServices Ltd.

Our services in the area of building contaminants are the following:

  • Building inspections
  • Material sample taking
  • Creation of appropriate documents for further procedures and the definition of the needed disposal route
  • Assessment of disposal costs

Often these evaluations are combined with Site Investigation or Foundational and Soil Investigations.

If you as a building-owner or building company have any questions, do not hesitate and contact us today +43-699-15559912

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