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Innovative Investigation, Research and Development (R&D)

We are involved in a network of research institutes, public authorities and private industry in order to develop new and modern technologies for investigations and remediations regarding brownfields and contaminations.

One of the core areas of our work is the usage and launch of innovative investigation technologies. The following technologies are offered either by us or by our partners:

  • Direct-Push Groundwater Sampling
  • MIP/LIF/CPT-Drilling
  • Tracertest
  • Multilevel Monitoring Wells
  • Flexible Tube Packer Systemen
  • Redox Zone Mapping
  • Passive Samplers
  • Immission Pumping Tests


With the help of these methods, it is possible to develop an even more detailed three-dimensional site model. In the following stage of remediation planning, this amendment means a better planning criterion and therefore a reduction of remediation costs.

Furthermore, we are constantly engaged in the development of remediation and decontamination methods. Therefrom, we are already working on ISCO-treatments, on the washout of CHC pollutants with surfactants and currently on the stimulation of the biological degradation of cyanide.

We love to share our gained knowledge on innovative approaches either regarding investigation or remediation. Do not hesitate to call us +43-699-15559912, we would love to hear from you.

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Standort Linz
Kapuzinerstraße 84a, 4020 Linz
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Standort Wien
Rothkirchgasse 4/7, 1120 Wien
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