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A proper equipement is the base für good drilling and sampling works..

Drilling, Sample Taking and Analytical Services

A professional report needs a professional data base!

Even though this might sound simple, it is the key to expertise and can be quite tricky at times. From our own experience we know how important is it to get reliable and officially ascertained measureing and analytical data, in order to write well-founded reports.

Thus, we afford the luxury to have our own field crew, which drills, takes samples and conducts measurements. This team is continuously led by knowledgeable and competent staff with either a high technical or academic background. Our philosophy is “HANDS ON”.

Of course, we do not simply use bog-standard exploration technologies, but always make sure to use the most innovative exploration technologies.

Due to our good reputation in the whole branch, we are often consulted by other engineering offices and laboratories to conduct field work for them.

We are also pleased to serve you, simply give us a call +43-699-15559912 and we will be happy to help.

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Standort Linz
Kapuzinerstraße 84a, 4020 Linz
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Standort Wien
Rothkirchgasse 4/7, 1120 Wien
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