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Characterization of Recycled Building Materials

When demolishing buildings, many different fractions of waste are produced, for instance, asphalt, broken bricks or demolished concrete. However, new building materials can be made out of the former wastes like recycled concrete, brick chipping, recycled sand, graded material…

For the transformation of the waste product “demolished concrete” into a new building material “recycled concrete”, several conditioning steps, like breaking or sieving, and broad evaluations guaranteeing the continuos quality are necessary.

Such evaluations are only allowed to be conduced by certified auditing bodies like blp GeoServices Ltd. Since autumn 2020, we are accredited according to ISO 17020:2012 as an auditing body for the evaluation of recycled building materials according to the Austrian Building Wastes Recycling Ordinance as well as for the evaluation of excavated material according to the Landfill Ordinance 2008 as amended.

We professionally take samples, care for the needed analysis and issue the relevant documents for a legal, secure and hazard-free removal and disposal of your materials.

Often these examinations are combined with foundational and soil investigations, investigations of polluted building stocks and assessment of the environmental status and geotechnical requirements for real estate evaluation.

Call us to find out more 0699-15559912.

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Kapuzinerstraße 84a, 4020 Linz
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Standort Wien
Rothkirchgasse 4/7, 1120 Wien
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