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Historical Investigation
The correct positioning of historical aerial images is an important step.

Historical Investigation

Exploring a contaminated site always starts by retracing and therefore understanding the historical development of the place in order to precisely conduct the following technical investigation.

Processing the historical use of a site can either be carried out locally, for example for a Site Investigation, the investigation of building pollutants or the baseline report but also on a regional scale, for instance regarding an entire federal state, according to the Austrian Act on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (ALSAG).

Data like the following are collected:

  • Constructional development (Erection, Alterations, Demolition)
  • Machinery setting at different points in time
  • Applied substances and production methods
  • Waste deposits

We therefore utilise different sources like company archives, openly accessible files or historical aerial images.

The results are processed by us with the help of high-quality geo information tools and are then evaluated, prioritised and visualised. Based on these first collections, the following examinations can be decided.

As a first step towards the assessment of a potential environmental hazard we are pleased to offer you a historical investigation for your site.

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